
Diploma thesis defence exams


After the appointment of the diploma exam committee by the Head of the Educational Unit, an employee of the Student Affairs Section notifies the student and the thesis advisor about the possibility of submitting, i.e. uploading the thesis to the Diploma Theses Archives in the PDF file format.

The thesis is submitted, i.e. uploaded to the Diploma Theses Archives in the PDF file format no later than 14 days before the planned diploma exam.

The name of the thesis file uploaded to the Diploma Theses Archives is up to the student.

There is no need to submit a printed and bound copy of the thesis in the Student Section.

Modes and dates of diploma exams in the academic year of 2023/2024

Diploma exams are conducted in the stationary mode.

At the request of the thesis advisor, the Head of the Educational Unit may decide to conduct the diploma exam remotely.  The rules for conducting the diploma exam  in this mode are specified in the Rector’s order No. 120  of 05.06.2020 on submitting a diploma thesis and conducting the diploma exam in a remote mode, as amended.

EN. M.2020.255.Zarz.120.pdf (

Diploma exams will be conducted until 26.07.2024 and from 02.09.2024 (organization of diploma exams will not be possible due to the holiday period in August).

Pursuant to paragraph 47(2) of the Regulations of Studies at the University of Warsaw:

At the request of the student or the thesis advisor, the Head of the Educational Unit may extend the duration of studies, but no longer than by three months, excluding the period of leave, from the planned date of graduation, in the case of:

1) long-term illness of the student, confirmed by the Office for Persons with Disabilities, issued on the basis of the student’s medical documentation;

2) inability to prepare the thesis within the deadline for justified reasons, independent of the student or the thesis advisor.

The statutory/planned date of graduation is 30.09.2024.  This deadline may be extended for a specified period and in the specific cases indicated above.

The diploma exam takes place within three months from the date of submission of the thesis, but no later than on the day preceding the planned date of graduation.

The diploma exam for all study programmes administered by WNPiSM is an oral exam.

The diploma exam committee consists of three people, i.e.: the chairperson, the thesis advisor, and the reviewer.

During the diploma exam, the members  of the committee ask the student at least three questions, at least two of which are related to the studies and one to the thesis.

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