Dr. Iuliia Eremenko’s Secondment at the Bavarian State Office for Monument Protection
May 6, 2024
Dr. Iuliia Eremenko at the 6th International Art and the City Conference
June 10, 2024


On May 16th, Dr. Iuliia Eremenko delivered a public lecture in Erfurt, invited by the University of Erfurt and the city of Erfurt, with the support of PD Dr. Astrid Ackermann. Her presentation was titled “Local Voices, Global Heritage: Citizen Science in World Heritage Cities of Germany and Poland” (Lokale Stimmen, globales Erbe: Bürgerforschung in Welterbestädten Deutschlands und Polens). The lecture took place in the Small Synagogue hall, which is part of the complex included in the “Jewish-Medieval Heritage of Erfurt” World Heritage site, recognized in 2023. To allow greater participation, the presentation was delivered in German, followed by a discussion. This event was held in addition to the lecture series “Arain.”

The lecture discussed the findings of the research project “Local experts in Polish and German World Heritage Cities: understanding their role in polycentric governance of heritage sites.”  The study has received co-funding from the National Science Centre and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 945339.