April 23, 2021

Konwersatorium naukowe “Kryzys czy koniec demokracji liberalnej? – rozważania na kanwie książki „Światło, które zgasło”

Serdecznie zapraszamy na konwersatorium naukowe: Kryzys czy koniec demokracji liberalnej? – rozważania na kanwie książki „Światło, które zgasło” Ivana Krasteva i Stephena Holmesa, organizowane przez Katedrę
April 23, 2021

Polish Jews in Israel: Polish-Language Press, Culture, and Politics

In Polish Jews in Israel: Polish-Language Press, Culture and Politics Elżbieta Kossewska presents a study of the political history of Polish Jews in Israel and their
April 20, 2021

Chapter by Aleksandra Jaskólska in a new book published by Routledge “The Interface of Domestic and International Factors in India’s Foreign Policy”

Chapter  “Party Politics and its Influence over Foreign Policymaking in India” by Aleksandra Jaskólska (Department of Regional and Global Studies) has been published in Johannes Dragsbaek
April 5, 2021

NOTIFICATION on public defence of the doctoral dissertation mgr Judity Krasniqi

NOTIFICATION on public defence of the doctoral dissertation The remote online public defence of the doctoral dissertation will take place on April 16, 2021 at 1.00