
April 5, 2021

NOTIFICATION on public defence of the doctoral dissertation mgr Judity Krasniqi

NOTIFICATION on public defence of the doctoral dissertation The remote online public defence of the doctoral dissertation will take place on April 16, 2021 at 1.00
April 5, 2021

NOTIFICATION on public defence of the doctoral dissertation mgr. Labinota Hajdari

NOTIFICATION on public defence of the doctoral dissertation The remote online public defence of the doctoral dissertation will take place on April 16, 2021 at 10.00
November 9, 2020

Webinar with Ms. Jane Connor

NOHA at the University of Warsaw invites you kindly to a webinar in English language (without translation into Polish language) with Ms. Jane Connor serving, on
September 24, 2020

NOTIFICATION on public defence of the doctoral dissertation mgr. Shokrollah Kamari Majin

Title of the dissertation: Evolution of Iran-Saudi Relations since 1979 Dissertation supervisor(s): Prof. Wiesław Lizak Reviewers: Prof. Krzysztof Trzciński, UJ Prof. Arkadiusz Żukowski, UWM Scientific discipline: