March 6, 2023

Publication of Saroj Kumar in Scopus-Q1

Article of Saroj Kumar Aryal, Ph.D. Candidate, got published in the ‘Geopolitics’ Journal. The article is titled “The Trajectory Between Territorial Disputes, Nationalism, and Geopolitics A
March 2, 2023

A new project „DiplomAsia” has just been launched by the Student Association of Pacific Area States!

It awards an extraordinary opportunity to visit diplomatic posts of Asia Pacific states to all students engaged! The mission of the project is to provide development
March 2, 2023

A new project „DiplomAsia” has just been launched by the Student Association of Pacific Area States!

It awards an extraordinary opportunity to visit diplomatic posts of Asia Pacific states to all students engaged! The mission of the project is to provide development
March 2, 2023

Seminar “Regional Powers and Institutions in Indo-Pacific Region During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Neoliberal IR Perspective”

The Center for International Studies and Development, the Krakow branch of the Polish Society for International Studies, and the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies