NOHA Intensive Programme 2019 – Preparedness & Resilience in Humanitarian Action
On 2-6 September 2019 takes place at our Faculty NOHA IP 2019 – Preparedness & Resilience in Humanitarian Action. 140 students from over 40 countries will participate in lectures and workshops devoted to contemporary humanitarian problems and challenges
Participants of the event were welcomed by Elżbieta Mikos-Skuza (NOHA Warsaw, Director, Uniwersytet Warszawski), Jolanta Choińska-Mika (Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Teaching, Uniwersytet Warszawski) and Lars Löfquist (NOHA President & NOHA Director, Uppsala Universitet).
What is Noha Intensive Programme?
The Intensive Programme is an initial inter-university joint course that:
- brings together NOHA students, lecturers and researchers as well as a significant number of consultants, international experts, policy makers, aid managers and other guest speakers from NGOs and IGOs;
- presents a wide range of humanitarian action issues by different specialists from both, the field and academia;
- combines activities that are vital for the multicultural and interdisciplinary training of the future humanitarian action professional;
- successfully combines theory (through lectures) and practice (through workshops, simulations exercises and case studies) based on the Network’s teaching-learning policy; and
- serves as a unique forum where participants from different parts of the world and with different backgrounds, perspectives and expectations, share knowledge and experiences on current issues and problems in the area of humanitarian action.
The Intensive Programme introduces students to:
- the NOHA Master’s Degree profile (more)
- key principles and concepts underlying humanitarian action
- the main actors in the field of humanitarian relief, their policies and strategies
- contemporary issues and challenges facing humanitarian actors