Research stay of Professor Hanna Schreiber in the United States

NCN Polonez BIS Grant at our Faculty!
May 30, 2022
International Conference “AZERBAIJAN- POLAND”
June 2, 2022


Professor Hanna Schreiber returned from a two-month research stay in the United States, where she spent part of the current summer semester as a visiting scholar at Workshop Ostrom, at the University of Indiana (Bloomington) and the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). There, she conducted research under NCN Sonata 15 grant no 2019/35/D/HS5/04247, Between the heritage of the world and the heritage of humanity: studying international heritage regimes through the lens of Elinor Ostrom’s Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework, under the supervision of Prof. Scott Shackelford and Prof. Lynn Meskell.