Visit by Dr. Aleksandra Jaskólska and Dr. Barbara Kratiuk to Korea as part of the strategic visit program

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Dr. Aleksandra Jaskólska and Dr. Barbara Kratiuk from the Department of Regional and Global Studies visited South Korea on September 16-25, 2023 as part of the IDUB program, Measure II.1.2. “Establishing and strengthening cooperation with strategic partners.”

The researchers met with representatives of four universities:
– Kyungpook National University, Daegu
– University of Seoul, Seoul
– Korea University, Seoul
– Ewha Womans University, Seoul

At all universities, researchers met with representatives of International Cooperation Offices. The discussion concerned the possibility of intensifying the exchange of students and admiration and research workers with universities with which WNPiSM has signed cooperation agreements at the faculty level. In addition, they talked about contracts that are being negotiated between WNPiSM and Korean universities. Moreover, at Kyungpook National University (KNU), they discussed the possibilities of improving cooperation related to student mobility related to the double diploma, which has been operating between UW and KNU for several years, including by extending the agreement to master’s studies.

At KNU, Dr. Jaskólska and Dr. Kratiuk met with prof. Yeonshik Kim, Dean of the College of Social Studies and faculty member of the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy. The researchers also delivered a lecture on “EU’s economic policy towards the Indo-Pacific”.

At the University of Seoul (UOS), researchers met with researchers from the Department of International Relations, including Prof. Minjeoung Kim. Dr. Jaskólska and Dr. Kratiuk also delivered a lecture: “Central Europe, East and South Asia reactions to Russian invasion of Ukraine.”

At Korea University, Dr. Jaskólska and Dr. Kratiuk met with researchers from the College of International Studies, including Dean Prof. Jae-Seung Lee, who is also the Jean Monnet Chair at Korea University.

At Ewha Womans University, Dr. Jaskólska and Dr. Kratiuk met with the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, prof. Inham Kim, who is also a professor in the Department of Political Studies and International Relations. Additionally, the researchers met with Prof. Brendan Howe, who is Dean of the Graduate School of International Studies. Prof. Howe is also president of the Asian Political and International Studies Association.

Conversations with researchers from the above-mentioned universities concerned, among others, the possibility of joint publications in journals published by WNPiSM, Korean universities and in recognized international journals. Moreover, Dr. Jaskólska and Dr. Kratiuk discussed the possibility of creating joint scientific teams that will aim to investigate changes taking place in the international system in connection with the growing role of the Indo-Pacific. The next topic was the possibility of establishing cooperation between scientific circles from the Faculty of Science and Technology and Korean universities.

The visit was financed by IBUB II.1.2. Establishing and strengthening cooperation with strategic partners.