Inauguration Ceremony for 1st year students (UPIR, EPE, GPIR)

Information of the Head of Didactic Unit on forms of conducting classes
October 1, 2020
Guidelines for remote classwork in the autumn term of the academic year 2020
October 6, 2020


We are pleased to inform you that the Inauguration Ceremony for the Undergraduate Programme in IR, European Politics and Economics as well as the Graduate Programme in IR at the University of Warsaw for freshmen will take place online on the 8th October at 10am CET.
Your participation in the Ceremony is obligatory.
After the official part of the Ceremony, you will be able to learn about important practical issues concerning your studies, you will receive training on the University students service system (known under the acronym “USOS”) and students’ rights and obligations. There will also be a chance to talk to the respective Heads of Programmes and 1st year Programme Supervisors, as well as with the representatives of the Students’ Union. The whole event will take place online.
We would also like to take this occasion to remind you that, as stipulated in the Regulations issued by the Rector of the University of Warsaw, as well as the Dean of the Faculty, the classes in the Autumn term 2020/2021 will be held online. We are planning to organize a couple of classes on the campus, it might also be allowed to hold one-on-one meetings with the professors, however the predominant mode is the remote one (the on-campus arrangements will however depend on the epidemiological situation). We do welcome you to come and stay here in Warsaw for the term, however there is no obligation to do that.
Please be reminded that the classes begin on 15th October 2020.

Matura z wos-u coraz bliżej, dlatego z ogromną radością ogłaszamy kolejną edycję „WNPiSM uczy WOS-u nocą”. Jest to jedyny w swoim rodzaju maturalny kurs wos-u, który organizujemy już 16 raz!

Dwudniowy kurs obejmujący wszystkie najważniejsze tematy pozwoli Ci na szybką i efektywną powtórkę materiału przed egzaminem.

Unikatowa możliwość wieczorno-nocnej nauki na kampusie głównym, z pewnością dodatkowo zmotywuje Cię do nauki i stworzy niepowtarzalną atmosferę!

Kto będzie obecny?

  • Wykładowcy WNPiSM UW o europejskiej renomie powtórzą z Wami najważniejsze zagadnienia potrzebne na maturze z WOS-u
  • Spotkacie się z przedstawicielami Samorządu Studentów, którzy wprowadzą Was w studencki klimat

Miejsce kursu:

  • Stara Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 (kampus centralny UW)


  • 23.04.2024 20:00-02:00
  • 24.04.2024 20:00-02:00