General Elective Courses conducted by prof Roberto Rabel from Victoria University of Wellington [ZIP]

Prof. John J. Mearsheimer na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim
Crowds at the open lecture by prof. John J. Mearsheimer
January 20, 2020
Guest courses: Academic Writing by dr Vicky Byard (Northeastern Illinois University)
January 31, 2020


Dear students,

We would like to invite you to register for the following classes in the forthcoming Springer semester:

Academic and Professional Writing in International Relations and Politics [General Elective Course, 4 ECTS]

Geopolitics of Asia-Pacific [General Elective Course, 4 ECTS]

conducted by Prof. Roberto Rabel, Professorial Fellow at the Center for Strategic Studies Victoria University of Wellington [New Zealand] and soon a Visiting Professor at the University of Warsaw.

Both courses give you an exceptional opportunity to be part of groups taught by a very experience scholar from Victoria University of Wellington.

The course on Academic and Professional Writing in International Relations and Politics will help you achieve learning outcomes crucial for preparation of the thesis, as well as academic and professional papers.

The Geopolitics in Asia-Pacific course will broaden your knowledge of the dynamics of geopolitical and geoeconomic changes in the Asia-Pacific region.

The courses will start in February (Geopolitics) and March (Academic and Professional) Writing and will continue until May. The detailed schedule can be found in USOS.

Please find attached Prof. Rabel’s CV and course syllabuses. To register for his classes please click here

The Task “Inclusion of researchers from abroad in teaching activities at the University of Warsaw,” within the framework of the Integrated Development Programme at the University of Warsaw is implemented from April 2, 2018 to March 31, 2022 under the contract POWR.03.05.00-00-Z305/17-00 and is co-financed from the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020, path 3.5. The main aim of the programme is increasing competences of students, PhD candidates and staff, as well as to support for organisational changes and development of university management.

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