May 5, 2020

An article by Dr. Anna M. Solarz

An article by Dr. Anna M. Solarz entitled „Religion and International Relations in the Middle East as a Challenge for International Relations Studies” has been published
April 27, 2020

New information for students and doctoral candidates on how to submit applications for the allowance aid, social scholarships and scholarships for students with disabilities

New information for students and doctoral candidates on how to submit applications for the allowance aid, social scholarships and scholarships for students with disabilities.…/
April 22, 2020

Consultation Hours with prof. Rob Rabel

Dear students, if you want to consult something with prof. Rob Rabel (lecturer: Geopolitics of Asia-Pacific; Academic and Professional Writing in International Relations and Politics) we
April 7, 2020

COVID Announcement – 7th of April, 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear research and teaching, didactic, administrative, servicing, PhD and PhD students as well as students! Pursuant to the Regulation No. 69 of the