Information about office hours of our teaching staff.
Kołodziejczyk Katarzyna
dr hab. Katarzyna Kołodziejczyk – Ph.D. with habilitation in political science (2014), scholar at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw, plenipotentiary
Kordas-Surowiec Mariola
dr Mariola Kordas-Surowiec – psychologist, Ph.D. (2005), trainer, coach, lecturer at the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw, member of
Kosiarski Jacek
mgr Jacek Kosiarski – a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw, a long-term lecturer at the Institute of
Kossewska Elżbieta
Elżbieta Kossewska (PhD) – is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw, and an employee of
Kozłowski Sebastian
dr hab. Sebastian Kozłowski – Ph.D., a research fellow at the University of Warsaw (Department of Political Science and International Studies) since 2004. Associated with the
Krencik Agata
mgr Agata Krencik – M.A. in economics (1985), research and didactic worker at the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw,
Kuczma Paweł
Paweł Kuczma, PhD – Doctor of Humanities in Media Studies (2016); didactic employee at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw; in
Kupiecki Robert
dr hab. Robert Kupiecki, prof. ucz. – Master of History (1991), Ph.D. in Political Sciences (1998), habilitation (2011), professor at the National Defence University of Warsaw
Kurcewicz Urszula
dr Urszula Kurcewicz – Ph.D. in political science (2005), senior lecturer. In 2005-2007, she worked as an expert at the Polish Press Agency in implementing SHPAENA
Kurowska Anna
dr hab. Anna Kurowska, prof. ucz. – Ph.D. in political science (2010) with habilitation (2018), Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw, since 2018 a member of
Kuźniar Roman
Roman Kuźniar – Graduated from University of Warsaw, in political science, 1977. For most of his professional life he is member of the academic staff of
Ławniczak Kamil
dr Kamil Ławniczak – Ph.D. in political science (2014), assistant professor, principal investigator in the projects: Meanings, tensions and consequences of the practice of consensus in
Leś Ewa
prof. dr hab. Ewa Leś – Professor, research and didactic worker at the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw, in
Letki Natalia
dr hab. Natalia Letki – Ph.D. (DPhil Oxon) in Sociology (2002), Habilitation in Social Sciences (2014), Assistant Professor, Head of ERC Starting Grant project 240830 ‘Public Goods
Lewandowski Wojciech
dr hab. Wojciech Lewandowski – Ph.D. of Humanities in Political Science. Academic at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw.
Lizak Wiesław
dr hab. Wiesław Lizak – Ph.D. with habilitation in political science (2013), scholar at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw. In
Łotocki Łukasz
dr hab. Łukasz Łotocki prof. ucz. – Ph.D. with habilitation in social sciences in the discipline of political science (2020), Ph.D. in humanities in the field
Łukaszewska-Bezulska Justyna
dr Justyna Łukaszewska-Bezulska – Ph.D. in political sciences (2013), assistant professor, secretary of the editorial office of the scientific journal “Problemy Polityki Społecznej” (Social Policy Issues)
Łukaszuk Tomasz
Tomasz Łukaszuk, PhD – PhD in Political Science and Administration (2024), researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University
Łukowski Wojciech
dr hab. Wojciech Łukowski, prof. ucz. – University professor, employee of the Department of Sociology of Politics and Political Marketing at the University of Warsaw, member
Madej Marek
dr hab. Marek Madej, prof. ucz. – Ph. D. with habilitation (post-doctoral grade – Political Science, 2018, University of Warsaw), born in 1978, assistant professor in the
Marciniak Ewa
dr hab. Ewa Maria Marciniak – Dean’s Representative for Equality Unit Department of Political Sociology and Political Marketing Recent publications: E. Marciniak, Bezpieczeństwo w perspektywie wybranych koncepcji
Marcinkowska Paula
Paula Marcinkowska – Ph.D. in Political Science (2010), Assistant Professor. A graduate of Law and International Relations at the University of Warsaw. In 2013-2017 Coordinator at the UW
Matosek Wioletta
Wioletta Matosek, PhD – doktor nauk ekonomicznych w zakresie nauk o zarządzaniu (2002, nagroda II stopnia Rektora UG); pracownik dydaktyczny Wydziału Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych
Męcina Jacek
prof. dr hab. Jacek Męcina – Professor, lawyer, social politician, since 1993 an employee of the Institute of Social Policy of the Faculty of Social Sciences
Mering Tomasz
dr Tomasz Mering – Ph.D. in political science (2009), scholar at the the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw, Supervisor
Mider Daniel
dr hab. Daniel Mider – Ph.D. with habilitation in political science (2018), Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Faculty of Political
Miecznikowska-Jerzak Justyna
dr hab. Justyna Miecznikowska-Jerzak – Ph.D. with habilitation in social sciences in the discipline of politics and administration (2019), Ph.D. of humanities in the field of