Spotkanie online na temat przestępstw motywowanych uprzedzeniami


[English version below]

Drogie Studentki, Drodzy Studenci,

Welcome Point zaprasza wszystkie studentki i studentów zagranicznych na spotkanie online na temat przestępstw motywowanych uprzedzeniami. Spotkanie zostanie przeprowadzone w języku angielskim, więcej informacji znajduje się poniżej.


Dear Student,

Welcome Point would like to invite you to a new online meeting on crimes motivated by prejudice, which will be led by the Association for Legal Intervention.

Programme of the meeting:

  1. Presentation (approx. 45 min)
  • what kinds of behaviour are bias crimes
  • when is the Police obliged to act?
  • I fell victim to a crime – and what next?
  • my rights and obligations as a victim
  1. Practical exercise on descriptions of specific behaviors: is this a crime? (20 min)
    3. Questions from participants (25 min)

The meeting will be held on 17th November at 1.30 pm.

To participate, please register through this link:

Application deadline: 12th November 2020

More information can be found on our website:

Please also join our Facebook event:


Kind regards,
Welcome Point UW

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