Zapraszamy na wykład otwarty profesora Roberto Rabela z Victoria University of Wellington pt. Hidden Dragon no Longer: Rethinking the Challenge of China’s Rise. Wydarzenie odbędzie się w ramach streamu live na Facebooku na stronie WNPiSM 28 maja 2020 r. o godz. 11.30. Wprowadzenie do wykładu przeprowadzi Pani Prodziekan dr Justyna Godlewska-Szyrkowa. Wydarzenie w ramach Zintegrowanego Programu Rozwoju (ZIP).
Język wykładu: angielski
Dodatkowe informacje o wykładzie od Profesora:
The rise of China has been the defining geo-strategic shift in the 21 st century international order to date. Its growth in power and influence has led some to suggest a new Cold War is unfolding between China and the United States, with unavoidable consequences for other states. In this lecture, Emeritus Professor Roberto Rabel will compare the challenges posed by China’s rise for countries of the Asia-Pacific and Europe. He will argue that the time is ripe for more creative thinking about how to respond to China’s rise in ways which can build a revitalised liberal international order—to the ultimate mutual benefit of Western democracies, China and the rest of the world.