Wykład Profesora Jittipat Poonkham z Uniwersytetu Thammasat University w Bangkoku

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Jutro 8 marca br. o godzinei 15:00 w Auli Baszkiewicza odbędzie się wykład Profesora Jittipat Poonkham z Uniwersytetu Thammasat University w Bangkoku  „On the Dilemma of Taing Sides? Thailand, ASEAN and the Geopolitical Competition”

Short bio:

Dr.Jittipat Poonkham (PhD Aberystwyth University; MPhil Oxford University) is Associate Professor of International Relations, Associate Dean for Academic and International Affairs, and Director of International Studies Program in the Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University.

His research interests include international relations theories, great power politics and security in the Indo-Pacific region, and Thai foreign policy. Dr.Poonkham is the author of A Genealogy of Bamboo Diplomacy: The Politics of Thai Détente with Russia and China (ANU Press 2022) and co-editor of International Relations as a Discipline in Thailand: Theory and Sub-fields (Routledge 2019).