Spotkanie online z Prorektorem ds. studentów i jakości kształcenia prof. Sławomirem Żółtkiem
13 listopada, 2020
Legitymacje studenckie
23 listopada, 2020


[English version below]

Drogie Studentki, Drodzy Studenci,

Welcome Point zaprasza studentki i studentów zagranicznych na spotkanie online z zakresu zarządzania emocjami. Spotkanie zostanie przeprowadzone w języku angielskim, więcej informacji znajduje się poniżej.


Dear Student,

Welcome Point would like to invite you to a new online workshops ‘Emotions management in epidemic and post-epidemic world’ with Dorota Kobylińska, PhD from the Faculty of Psychology.

Who can participate?

  • 2ndand 3rdyear students of first cycle (Bachelor’s degree)
  • 4th and 5thyear students of uniform Master studies
  • students of second cycle (Master’s degree)

The workshops will be held on 10th-11thDecember, 2020, 10:00 am. –1:15 pm.

To participate, please register through this link:

Application deadline: 26thNovember 2020

More information can be foundon our website:

Please also join our Facebook event:

Kind regards,
Welcome Point UW