Wtorek geopolityczny 07/03/2023 – Alicia Fawcett (Carnegie Council on Ethics in International Affairs)

Seria wykładów on-line dot. tematyki Open Science – wykładowcy z uniwersytetów członkowskich Sojuszu 4EU+
28 lutego, 2023
Webinarium „The Role of ASEAN in the Period of Transformation in the Regional Order in the Asia Pacific”
2 marca, 2023


Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Studiów Międzynarodowych UW, Ośrodek Kultury Francuskiej i Studiów Frankofońskich UW oraz Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Międzynarodowych we współpracy z Groupe d’études géopolitiques zapraszają na spotkanie z cyklu WTORKI GEOPOLITYCZNE.

Chinese influence and foreign policy in the cyber space

Alicia Fawcett (Carnegie Council on Ethics in International Affairs)

07.03.2023 wtorek

godz. 15.00-16.30

Zoom: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/99147769801

Spotkanie w języku angielskim.

Informujemy, że spotkanie jest rejestrowane. Nagranie będzie wykorzystane w celach naukowych. Udział w spotkaniu jest równoznaczny z wyrażeniem zgody.



This talk will present an understanding of the interaction between Chinese internet governance ecosystem, online communities and CCP foreign interference to leverage an understanding of the intersection of information, diplomacy, digital human rights and global governance; evaluate what government information operations tell us about China’s geopolitical objectives; formulate ways on how to protect citizens from cyber warfare, disinformation with cybersecurity tools; critically think and engage in cutting-edge cyber- security solutions to national governments, international institutions and private sector industry.


Alicia Fawcett is a multicultural technologist, open-source analyst and international expert on cyber policy, digital geo-interference, disinformation and cybersecurity. She currently works as a Senior Cybersecurity expert at McKinsey & Co, advising on a range of global cyber and data privacy issues. In addition, she serves as a Foregin Interference and Disinformation Research Fellow at the Global Taiwan Institute in Washington D.C. Alicia is deeply passionate about global technology ethics and serves on the Advisory Board at the Carnegie Council on Ethics in International Affairs, the U.S. National Cyber Moonshot committee and teaches a Cybersecurity and International Affairs course at the University of Economics, Prague. Her career is credited with vast professional experience encompassing work within both public and private sectors. Alicia has been published and cited with the Atlantic Council,  Istituto Affari Internazionali, The National Bureau of Asian Research, Washington Journal of Modern China, India Today, Politico and Young Professionals in Foreign Policy. She received her MA in International Economic Relations and Diplomatic Studies at The University of Economics, Prague and her BA in Economics and Asian Studies at the University of Northern Colorado. She speaks Mandarin Chinese, German, Italian and French.
Alicia Fawcett, Disinformation and Foreign Interference Fellow, The Global Taiwan Institute Cyber Norms podcast, The Carnegie Council on Ethics in International Affairs Academia, Alicia Fawcett LinkedIn Carnegie Council Podcast Disinformation Fellow Chinese Discourse Power, Atlantic Council  Meet the Talent – Alicia Fawcett, Senior Cybersecurity Analyst-https://4i-mag.com/meet-the-talent-alicia-fawcett-senior-cybersecurity-analyst/