Wykład: prof. Relendra Jain – The European Union and the Indo-Pacific: Challenges and Dilemmas

Konferencja „Problemy współczesnej Europy i praktyczne rozwiązania”
13 maja, 2022
Seminarium: Prof Stephen Nagy – Russian Aggression on Ukraine: Perspectives from Japan and Implications for the Indo-Pacific
15 maja, 2022


Szanowni Państwo,
w imieniu Katedry Studiów Regionalnych i Globalnych WNPISM zapraszamy na wykład pt. The European , który wygłosi prof. Rajendra K. Jain (Jawaharlal Nehru University).
Wydarzenie odbędzie się 17 maja 2022 o godz. 9.45 w sali 303 Gmachu Audytoryjnego. Wykład w ramach uniwersyteckiego programu ZIP.
Temat wykładu:

The growing geoeconomic and geopolitical importance of the Indo-Pacific has led to the publication of Indo-Pacific strategies by France (2018), Germany and the Netherlands (2020), the United Kingdom and the European Union (2021). These strategies underline many similar interests and objectives but fail to grapple with China’s growing assertiveness, address issues of cooperation with the United States, and outline specific commitments to enhance security in the region. The European Union’s strategy confronts dilemmas and challenges in increasing its footprint in the Indo-Pacific.

O profesorze:

Rajendra K Jain is currently Visiting ZIP Professor, Warsaw University (February-May 2022). He was formerly Professor and Chairperson, Centre for European Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He has been the first Jean Monnet Chair in India (2010-2015); Adjunct Research Professor, Monash European and EU Studies Centre, Monash University, Melbourne (2010-2015). He was formerly Visiting Professor, Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya (2010) and Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) Professor of Contemporary India, Leuven University (2015).

Prof. Jain has been Visiting International Fellow, Monash Europe and EU Centre, Melbourne (2009). He was Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellow/Professor at the University of Constance (1992-1993, 1994), Freiburg (2008, 2009, 2010), Leipzig (1994, subsequent years; April-June 2018) and Tuebingen (2002). He has also been Visiting Professor, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris (2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014) and Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ebenhausen (1995).

He has widely travelled in Asia, Europe and North America and has lived in Germany (3 years) and the United States (5 years). He has participated in over 150 national/international conferences, including 100 conferences in various parts of the world. He has delivered over 50 lectures on contemporary Europe and India-Europe/EU/EU-South Asian affairs at leading American, Asian (excluding India) and European universities and think tanks.

Prof. Jain is the author/editor of 35 books and has published over 150 articles/chapters in books. He has most recently published India and Central Europe: Perceptions, Perspectives, Prospects (Singapore: Palgrave, 2021),  India and the European Union in a Turbulent World (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), and India’s Changing Images of the European Union (Singapore: Palgrave, 2019).

The task “Including foreign researchers in the teaching of the University of Warsaw” is organized under the Program of Integrated Activities for the Development of the University of Warsaw and financed by the European Social Fund. The goal of the ZIP program, implemented at the University of Warsaw in 2018-2022, is to develop the competences of students, doctoral students and employees, and to introduce tools that will improve university management. The program co-financing amounts to over PLN 38 million. More information at www.zip.uw.edu.pl.